New Year Greetings To New&Old Customers From Sea State Commerce & Trade Co.Ltd.

Dear New&Old Customers and Partners:

新年甫至,紫气东来,万象更新。值此新春来临之际,我们怀着感恩的心情,向您致以亲切的问候和诚挚的谢意The New year is coming, Everything looks fresh and gay. On the occasionof the Spring Festival, We are in a mood of gratitude,to show our Cordialgreetings and sincere thanks!

在过去的年,因为合作让我们有了更多的接触和交流,您的达观与睿智,理解和信任,让我们倍受启迪并心存感激。因为有您的鼎力相助,贵骏商贸有限公司在过去的一年里得到了长足的发展,业务范围也进一步得到了扩展,这使我们对未来充满信心,并从中感受到收获的喜悦Inthe past 2015,we have more contacts and communication due to cooperation.Yourresilience and wisdom, understanding and trust, let us highly inspired andgrateful.Sea State Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd. has considerabledevelopment in the past year because of your generous help. Business scope hasbeen further extended, which enable us be full of confidence for the future,and feel the joy of harvest.

新的一年承载新的希望,新的一年书写新的篇章。贵骏商贸有限公司愿与您继续保持友好合作关系。希望在未来的日子里,您能给我们更多的支持和帮助,加强彼此的沟通与交流,真诚合作、相互支持,一道实现新的发展和跨越凝聚我们彼此的力量,开拓更加 New year carrying new hope, new year writing a new chapter. Sea State Commerce & Trade Co.,Ltd.  is willing to continue to maintainfriendly relations and cooperation with you.We hope in the coming days, you cangive us more support and help,strengthen mutual communication and exchanges,sincere cooperation and mutual support, to achieve new development andleap!Gather our strength with each other, to develop a broader world!

喜悦伴着泪水,成功伴着艰辛,遗憾激励奋斗,不知不觉中,我们已经迈进了Joy accompanied by tears, success with hardships, regret incentivesstruggle.

  Unconsciously,we have entered 2016. Its time for us to say goodbye to the 2015. Achievementsonly belong to the past, the future belongs to us. In the new year, we will bein the spirit of entrepreneurship to continue to struggle, in the spirit of thedefenders moving steadily,to create a better 2016 for our new and old customerswho always concern and support!

Look forward to your much better communicate, Look forward to morecooperation with you, Look forward to working towards a brilliant with you! Theyear of monkey is coming. Thank you again for your support and love to Sea State Commerce & Trade Co.,Ltd.. Finally I wish happiness, health, peace with your life, and realize yourambition of a new year!


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